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Friday, January 25, 2008

A poem, for Hannah

The warm sun in our face Warming us to the core. The smell of the humidity in our lungs Our blond hair blowing in our eyes Our laughter rising Never stopping. Our flip flops lined up side by side Our pink bathing suits matching.

The leaves falling around us The wind whipping at our face. The weak warmth of the sun peeking out from behind a cloud Our walking in sync As we wander down the lanes And our eyes sparkle with life Imagining what adventure will be in store

The snow falling around us The cold, harsh snow nipping at our face. Snow lands delicately on your noses and eyelashes We prance, we rejoice, the silent white world Brought to life with our chorus of giggles
The birth of the new sun greets us The feeling of fresh grass in our toes. A new green world has arisen From the frozen grounds We pick the flowers, stringing them into long necklaces As we frolic in this new world The blue sky above us, The green land below us The friendship among us.


Anonymous said...

dude you can write like..............really well. Thanx for checking out my blog I know I will be checking out yours for now on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EM girl 96 (just em for short)

P.S. i'll put more peoms up too!

Hannah said...

lol! I imagine we're like in a story book and we're picking flowers and it's in slow motion and then I let you smell my flower and there's a bee in it and we're running away in slow motion! lol!!

great great poem!

Drama Girl said...
