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Monday, December 31, 2007

Snowball fight

I slept over at Lynsey's house today, and we had to shovel 7inches of snow from her 45oft long driveway, just to go downtown to see Erin, Lynsey's secret *shudders* love...ew! So we got there and me and Erin were talking and goofing and then...he hit me with a snowball! So I hit him with one, he hit back, and so on until it was a 2 person war! Lynsey was so...*shudder* jealous! After aa while... Erin pushes he into a snow pile...and I run after him trying to give him a white wash when..BANG! I fall down! He laughed so hard and he gave HIMSELF a white wash because he fell over! And wanna know a scary fact? He's the one who asked me to dance 10 times to slowdance with him! Ew!
After me and Lynsey got back, Erin called and told Lynsey he...was flirting with me and liked me! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!
Why must I be so pretty? JOKE! LOL.


Hannah said...

EW!!!! why must this happen so young!??!?!? WHY!!!!!