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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hannah, Hannah, Hannah.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with American Eagle clothes. But Hannah, Ohhhh, she gives me GRIEF about it ALL THE STUPID TIME! She always thinks I'm "changing" and yes I am because it's a natural part of a process called, "GROWING UP" which USUALLY happens some time between 10-19.
In the stages of growing up, you get more aware of your appearence, which is natural. Sometimes, for a girl, this means putting on makeup to look more, "grown up" or shopping at brand-name stores. If the growing up child is in school, it is VERY important to hold onto your friends when in the growing up age groups because many times the years of change will leave the child feeling like a stranger in a new body. But if a child is homeschooled, these changes usually happen more gragually. They may not feel so alone in themselves but often times they long to be with someone their own age going through the same things. Thank you and goodnight. lol


Gem said...

Hey sabrina, I feel the same about one of my friends.

Hannah said...

like I said I'm still trying to understand, just seems like sometimes....I donno...your personality just changed a tiny weeny bit...which I part of growing up too? but today when you came over it was like (not the 6 year old you) but just...well we've laughed a lot like good 'ol times lol...I'm glad you don't think playing survivor out in the snow is "stupid" lol.

sorry if my comment seems "oohh she'll never be the same again!" or "I'm so sadddddddd" or anything lol

but just that lil piece inside you that I know will NEVER change and this time I'm SURE! (lol now I sound like a soap apera)

Regards, (that's what my dad signs his E-mail's with all the time lol)


Anonymous said...

Hey there is nothing wrong with changing and real friends will stick by you when this is happening.



Anonymous said...

Sabrina, American Eagle clothes ROCK!! I mean they are awesome! Lol. Well anyway, Hannah will be your friend no matter what, right Hannah? No matter how you dress! It shouldn't matter, friends just want to be with you no matter what, to hang out with you and talk to you and it they don't care what you wear! You'll be friends forever, well, I think so.