Me and "Evan" broke up
Me and "Cole" went out
I broke up with him for "Josh"
Me and Josh are going out now (:
Sorry I havn't been updating
I've been sooo busy
But i loveee 7th grade!
It's friggin awesome! (;

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Updates for all
Posted by Drama Girl at 5:04 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
My flippin' awesome par-tayyy (:
For my birthday, i'm having all my best friends and friends come to my half-brother's house!!! It's red-carpet so all of us will be wearing dresses and it'll have a red carpet and dance floor and disco lights and stuff!!! =D it'll be sooooo much FUN!!! There'll be dancing, eating, talking, and some fun games and stuff!!! I'm sooo excited (:
Posted by Drama Girl at 6:32 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
QUIZ! Find out you're personality!!
Which purse is more attractive to you? A.
Which house do you like best? A.
Which dinosaur is most appealing to you? A.
Which cake is most mouth-watering to you? A.
Which DS looks most cool to you? A.
Playing games is a waste of time. D.
Mostly "A"s: You like you're privacy. Sometimes you can be moody, but you're still a fun person.
Mostly "B"s: You're calm. If a problem comes up you handle it calmer than the people around. Instead of fighting you prefer to handle problem's diplomatically.
Mostly "C"s: Some may call you a girly girl or preppy. You like being with as many friends as possible. You're extremely social.
Mostly "D"s: You're a healthy combination of all three above. You can be a social butterfly at times, but you want some space once in a while.
Posted by Drama Girl at 1:03 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Why choose??
Dear Blog,
I have a boyfriend (let's call him Evan) and I love him. I mean, some kids say, "I love you..Mallissa" or "I love you Jimmy-Bob" <---what sort to cruel, mean parents would name their kid Jimmy-Bob??!?? Anyway, teens toss the word "love" around a lot. I don't however.
That was the difinition of love. He's in LOVE with me. I am in LOVE with him. We have this connection....we long for each other. It's amazing. When he puts his arm around me, my heart skips a beat. when we hug, my mind races, when he holds my hand, my stumache has butterflies. :)
(I'm sorry to people *cough cough Hannah* who do not like guys yet)
Here's me and "Evan's" IM:
[18:26] me: how's life
[18:26] him: preety good since i have been with u how bout urs
[18:27] me: *aww that's so nice*
[18:27] me: idk...my life feels kinda
[18:27] me: idk
[18:27] me: like a dream
[18:28] him: y
[18:28] me: idk....it just doesn't seem real...3444
[18:28] me: like going out with u and stuff
[18:28] me: and it's almost the 4th quarter
[18:29] him: ik its weird
[18:29] him: so how long have u liked me
[18:29] me: well....
[18:29] me: since u sat next to me in core 4 and 5
[18:30] me: yeah
[18:30] him: so from september
[18:30] me: no....later than that
[18:31] him: like when
[18:32] me: hmmm....
[18:32] me: December i think
[18:32] me: some time around there
[18:32] him: cool
[18:33] me: how about u?
[18:35] him: ummm since like when i met u in sixth grade i think
[18:35] him: ya
[18:35] me: omg....
[18:35] me: really?
[18:36] him: ya really
[18:36] me: i didn't even know
[18:36] me: =O
[18:37] him: ya
[18:37] me: usually i notice....
[18:38] him: u r like my dream girl
[18:38] me: ily so much =]
[18:44] me: ugh! i h8 my computer
[18:44] him: i do too
[18:44] him: my comp sux
[18:44] me: mine 2
[18:44] him: ya
[18:45] him: so as i was saying u r my dream girl
[18:46] me: that's the sweetest thing a guy's ever said 2 me =]
Posted by Drama Girl at 6:40 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I'm having one of those days
It was one of those days when you find yourself crying at a sappy movie
It was one of those day when you lay on the couch all day, but still feel tired
It was on of those days that you talk on the phone for hours, not caring it anyone’s listening.
It was just one of those days.
Hannah's today.
Maybe we'll go somewhere.
Who knows where.
Cause we're bffs.
We can go to Europe
If we wanted to.
Cause we're cool like that.
Posted by Drama Girl at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
IDK, my BFF loser?
My Bff is a loser.....an excellent loser!
Oh Hannah Retard of my eye, What do your little deformed eyes spy?
Can they see beyond the hills? Can they see beyond the land?
Cause I can see beyond you're happy face, and I really understand.
Being a retard is not an easy task
For you have a beautiful soul behind your funny mask.
Oh Hannah, Retard of my eye
You're the bestest friend Under the sky.
Hannah is not really a retard.
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Me and Hannah are going skating!!! SO-MUCH-FUN!!! I can't wait! We have to practice our backward swizzles to make it to lvl 3 in our class so...ya. Anyway here's more of my Malissa and Joy story:
Malissa got to school just as the late bell rang. She had been up all night thinking about Mat and Joy. She wandered down to her homebase, which as it just so happened, Mat was in.
The teacher in charge of them, Mr.Johanson, was explaining that Mat had moved here just a couple weeks ago and how we should all "Make hime feel welcome!" Malissa sat down as far away from Mat as possible.
My mom is calling me. bye lol
Posted by Drama Girl at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Hannah, Hannah, Hannah.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with American Eagle clothes. But Hannah, Ohhhh, she gives me GRIEF about it ALL THE STUPID TIME! She always thinks I'm "changing" and yes I am because it's a natural part of a process called, "GROWING UP" which USUALLY happens some time between 10-19.
In the stages of growing up, you get more aware of your appearence, which is natural. Sometimes, for a girl, this means putting on makeup to look more, "grown up" or shopping at brand-name stores. If the growing up child is in school, it is VERY important to hold onto your friends when in the growing up age groups because many times the years of change will leave the child feeling like a stranger in a new body. But if a child is homeschooled, these changes usually happen more gragually. They may not feel so alone in themselves but often times they long to be with someone their own age going through the same things. Thank you and goodnight. lol
Posted by Drama Girl at 6:52 AM 4 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
My tales of woe.
I can't get onto my email. Lol....I've VERY UPSET! There's a story:
Malissa and Joy had been friends since they could walk. They'd been through family deaths together, as well as sports wins and acting classes. They couldn't live without each other...or so they though.
It was a hot September day and Malissa and Joy were sipping cherry coke in their tank tops and shorts. A cobalt sky shown above them, while fluffy white clouds danced across the sky. It was one of those BFF kind of days, one to just relax and be by a friend who's special to you.
Joy's mom was out picking up Shaymus, her little brother, from art class, and Joy and Malissa dicided to see what the new neighbors were like. They'd moved in a day ago from New York City, and no one really knew much about them. Only that they were rich lawyers with a "cute" son.
Joy and Malissa knelt in the bushes and peered through the slits in the fence. They heard the dribbling of a basketball and the pound of sneakers on tar. That's when they spotted him...the dream boy. He had short, almost shaggy chocolate brown hair with a bit of wave to it, hot, muscley arms, and a smile that almost sparkled! He was wearing an A&F navy-blue shirt with black Nike shorts, and black converse sneakers.
Joy cluched Malissa's arm and squealed with excitment, "OMG Malissa! He's HOT! And he lives next to me!!!!" Malissa just looked at Joy shyly and whispered softly, "That's great. But...don't you think we're kinda...young for boys? We're only 13..."
Joy stopped smiling and rolled her green eyes. "Oh pa-lease! I'm SO ready to date! I'm not a stupid baby! Come on, let's go say hi!" Malissa watched helplessly as Joy bounded over to the strange boy. She watched as they laughed together and Joy started dribbling his basketball across his driveway as he chased after her.
After an hour of watching them, she noticed that Joy didn't even notice she wasn't there with her...all she noticed was the boy. Not her best friend, a stupid boy! Malissa stalked off and walked home.
If had been about four hours since she'd gotten home and Malissa was fixing herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when the phone rang. "I'll get it!", she called.
"Hi, Malissa? It's Joy."
"Oh...uh...hey." Malissa said unsurely.
"Guess what? His names Mat! Isn't that just so cute?! And he was, like, on the vacity b-ball team in his old school, and guess what?! He said I had the prettiest eyes he's ever seen! He's so romantic!"
Malissa's heart sank. Joy hadn't called to aplogize for running off with Mat and leaving her, she was calling to talk about him!
"And so then he told me I was the first girl he really felt so free with! And, so, yeah, then-Malissa! Are you even listening!" Joy asked angrily.
"Huh? Oh...yeah." Malissa tryed to sound as upset as possible to see if Joy noticed. She didn't. Instead she heaved a happy sigh and kept going on about Mat this, Mat that. After about an hour and a half Malissa said, "Uh, Joy? I gotta go." and hung up before Joy could resist.
Then, she walked up to her room with a heavy heart, and cryed into her pillow until it was completely soaked. When that happened, Malissa pulled out her blue diary, got a pink pen Joy had given her for her birthday, and wrote her heart out.
5:20 P.M
Dear Diary,
Oh, Joy met this guy Mat today and left me! The worst part was....she didn't even notice. I've known her for 11 years, and she just ditches me for someone she met TODAY! I'm so P.O.ed and I'm so confused! What should I do?! Oh Diary, if only you knew! If only you could understand the pain I'm feeling! It's like someone poured icy water over my head! I never thought Joy would just...leave me so quick! I feel so alone...so valnrable! Stupid Mat! I hope he dies!
5:23 P.M.
Dear Diary,
I felt kinda bad about the Mat think...and no, I don't want him to die. That's ungodly...but...I don't know.
Posted by Drama Girl at 4:46 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
I went skating with Hannah yesterday and when we got there, Kelly was there with her friend! lol! A fat guy fell on me and I got cut pretty deep....but it was FUN! not the cut lol! I wanna do skating lessons with Hannah!! =[)
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Today in English class, Nick walked by and "accidentally" kicked my book across the room and he's like, "Oh sorry." and the teacher's like, "IF YOU REALLY WERE SORRY YOUNG MAN, YOU'D PICK UP HER BOOK AND PUT IT BACK WHERE IT WAS!" and I started laughing so hard!!!! So Nick puts it on my desk, and walks back to his desk....and the Teacher's like, "That's not where it was Mr. Nick." so Nick gets up and dramatically puts it on the floor where it was and...BOWED TO ME!!! LOL!!!!! I blushes so hard!!!
And in Mr.Smith's class he carried my books for me and was like, "Here you go my queen." I'M STILL BLUSHING!! What a gentleman! lol
Posted by Drama Girl at 11:44 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
Is it normal to feel confused, happy, and sad at the same time? Cause I do. Sometimes I just feel a certain way for no apparent reason lol. I'm not one to understand the whole way I feel a lot. Myself is a locked chest and I must find the key. The sort of poetic junk sort of thing lol. I can only guess why I feel this way...is it the brownie I took from my brother's lunch? Or the sickness of love? Maybe it's that my cat has worms....ew! okay, you didn't need to know that!
Posted by Drama Girl at 12:30 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Nick ^.^
Nick is a super awesome dude.....and everyyy girl likes him.....so i guess i should be happy he likes me....right? What if I refuse to show any emotion towards him because I'm too afraid I'll ruin me and Mackenzie's friendship....Ohhh I HATE DEEP QUESTIONS! I get all....tight and uneasy inside! A friend or a guy....a friend or a guy....I choose....FRIEND! But what if....
No! No turning back Sabrina! Think of all the memories! Your friend has always been by your side, through thick and thin!
Don't get all, "but...what if.." on me girl! Stay strong!!!!
AAARRRGGGG! This is sooo....emotional! E-M-O-T-I-O-N-A-L! I hate 7th grade! I hate Nick!.....no...wait, I love Nick.....but not in THAT way.....or do I?
No you do NOT! Snap out of it girl! SNAP-OUT-OF-IT!
I can't! AAAAAAA!!! I can't stop thinking about him!
Well you will, and I'll make you. This is your FRIEND you're stacking!
Oh shut up will you?! You think this isn't hard for ME? CAUSE IT IS! Maybe I'll pretend nothings happening, I'm good at that! La la la la la la la la la la la la.....*thinks*Nick......NO! NOT NICK! LALALALALALALALLALA!
That'a girl!
Oh get out of my head!
I hate you.
You think I LIKE being inside your head? Uh, nooo!
Shut up, shut up, shut up! Fine, you're right!!!!!
Pleasure doing business with you!
Go away.
Posted by Drama Girl at 7:18 AM 7 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
A poem, for Hannah
The warm sun in our face Warming us to the core. The smell of the humidity in our lungs Our blond hair blowing in our eyes Our laughter rising Never stopping. Our flip flops lined up side by side Our pink bathing suits matching.
The leaves falling around us The wind whipping at our face. The weak warmth of the sun peeking out from behind a cloud Our walking in sync As we wander down the lanes And our eyes sparkle with life Imagining what adventure will be in store
The snow falling around us The cold, harsh snow nipping at our face. Snow lands delicately on your noses and eyelashes We prance, we rejoice, the silent white world Brought to life with our chorus of giggles
The birth of the new sun greets us The feeling of fresh grass in our toes. A new green world has arisen From the frozen grounds We pick the flowers, stringing them into long necklaces As we frolic in this new world The blue sky above us, The green land below us The friendship among us.
Posted by Drama Girl at 8:50 PM 3 comments
Post about Hannah!!!
Hannah is the most awesome bff in the world. Not only is she kind and understanding, but ALWAYS good 4 a laugh! I love to laugh!!!!!! Lynsey is well.....she's more the annoying sister you can't shake off kinda friend...lovely ain't it? lol! But really....I've never trusted someone so deeply....If she stopped liking to hang out with me...my life would be in free fall because she's my gravity holding me down, and my world would be black and white, because she's my color, painting in my days with shades of friendship and affection. This is to you Hannah, YOU ROCK!
Posted by Drama Girl at 7:58 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I'm sooo sick today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a runny nose and a sore throat! ='{ I wanted to go to Hannah's house today!!!!!!!!!!!!! =( Dang....Well, it's more important I feel better. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow!! I hope...I'm so bummed! I was looking forward to seeing her!
Posted by Drama Girl at 5:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Can there be hate at first sight?
I know all about "Love at first sight", but is there "Hate at first sight"??? There HAS to be cause I hate this new kid, and he arrived yesterday! He's got like sandy blond hair with glasses and the deepest-set blue eyes! You probably all are thinking, "OOOOOhhhhh, dreamy!" BUT-I-CAN'T-STAND-HIM! Something about him....just makes me want to grab that adorable little face and punch it!!!! Lol! I sound like a monster now..... So, anyway, I try to be nice and say, "Hey Mike! What'd up brother?" and all...but I still have that urge.....heehee!
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:28 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
Animal Friends!!!!!
If my friends were animals and fruit...this is how I'd imagine them.
- Hannah- Animal: Monkey! Fruit: Watermelon
- Kelly- Animal: Swan! Fruit: Orange
- Aubrey- Horse! Fruit: Kiwi
- Jan- Panda! Fruit: Mango
- Natasha- Puppy! Fruit: Banana
- Emi- Dolphin! Fruit: Spiky Pear
- Steph- Tiger! Fruit: Clementine
- Kate- Koala! Fruit: Apple
- Lindsey- Seal! Fruit: Blueberries
- Aly- Cat! Fruit: Strawberry
- Lexy- Angel Fish! Fruit: Cherry
Posted by Drama Girl at 7:02 AM 0 comments
Skating yall!
I'm soooooo psyched! I'm going skating with Hannah!!!!!!! Yes! I love the ice...It's like, a second home! *not really lol* but it's so much fun! At first I'm a little rusty, but I get better as I go on!
Posted by Drama Girl at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
My day
Just perfect. Lynsey has discovered BLOGSPOT.COM....meaning I had to watch Lynsey post on her blog for an hour! I just sat there...giving little hints about how nice a day it was, and too bad we were spending it on the computer...pretty soon she got so mad she pushed me outside and locked the door! It was 11 degrees out!!!! Her mom let me in 10 minutes later!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Drama Girl at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Posted by Drama Girl at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
Posted by Drama Girl at 9:15 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Secret Swap!!!
Posted by Drama Girl at 4:27 PM 0 comments