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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today in English class, Nick walked by and "accidentally" kicked my book across the room and he's like, "Oh sorry." and the teacher's like, "IF YOU REALLY WERE SORRY YOUNG MAN, YOU'D PICK UP HER BOOK AND PUT IT BACK WHERE IT WAS!" and I started laughing so hard!!!! So Nick puts it on my desk, and walks back to his desk....and the Teacher's like, "That's not where it was Mr. Nick." so Nick gets up and dramatically puts it on the floor where it was and...BOWED TO ME!!! LOL!!!!! I blushes so hard!!!
And in Mr.Smith's class he carried my books for me and was like, "Here you go my queen." I'M STILL BLUSHING!! What a gentleman! lol


Anonymous said...

wow what a gentlemen. lucky. not that i want him. so it looks like you got him in the palm of your hands. keep up the good writing.
