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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why choose??

Dear Blog,

I have a boyfriend (let's call him Evan) and I love him. I mean, some kids say, "I love you..Mallissa" or "I love you Jimmy-Bob" <---what sort to cruel, mean parents would name their kid Jimmy-Bob??!?? Anyway, teens toss the word "love" around a lot. I don't however.

That was the difinition of love. He's in LOVE with me. I am in LOVE with him. We have this connection....we long for each other. It's amazing. When he puts his arm around me, my heart skips a beat. when we hug, my mind races, when he holds my hand, my stumache has butterflies. :)

(I'm sorry to people *cough cough Hannah* who do not like guys yet)

Here's me and "Evan's" IM:

[18:26] me: how's life
[18:26] him: preety good since i have been with u how bout urs
[18:27] me: *aww that's so nice*
[18:27] me: life feels kinda
[18:27] me: idk
[18:27] me: like a dream
[18:28] him: y
[18:28] me: just doesn't seem real...3444
[18:28] me: like going out with u and stuff
[18:28] me: and it's almost the 4th quarter
[18:29] him: ik its weird
[18:29] him: so how long have u liked me
[18:29] me: well....
[18:29] me: since u sat next to me in core 4 and 5
[18:30] me: yeah
[18:30] him: so from september
[18:30] me: no....later than that
[18:31] him: like when
[18:32] me: hmmm....
[18:32] me: December i think
[18:32] me: some time around there
[18:32] him: cool
[18:33] me: how about u?
[18:35] him: ummm since like when i met u in sixth grade i think
[18:35] him: ya
[18:35] me: omg....
[18:35] me: really?
[18:36] him: ya really
[18:36] me: i didn't even know
[18:36] me: =O
[18:37] him: ya
[18:37] me: usually i notice....
[18:38] him: u r like my dream girl
[18:38] me: ily so much =]
[18:44] me: ugh! i h8 my computer
[18:44] him: i do too
[18:44] him: my comp sux
[18:44] me: mine 2
[18:44] him: ya
[18:45] him: so as i was saying u r my dream girl
[18:46] me: that's the sweetest thing a guy's ever said 2 me =]

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm having one of those days

It was one of those days when you find yourself crying at a sappy movie
It was one of those day when you lay on the couch all day, but still feel tired
It was on of those days that you talk on the phone for hours, not caring it anyone’s listening.
It was just one of those days.

Hannah's today.
Maybe we'll go somewhere.
Who knows where.
Cause we're bffs.
We can go to Europe
If we wanted to.
Cause we're cool like that.