Photobucket and Welcome to my blog. I'm just someone...that's no yeah...Haha...Whoo hoo....

PhotobucketThis blog is kewl...IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU'RE MEAN! lol!


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Other Art by me

My art

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today in English class, Nick walked by and "accidentally" kicked my book across the room and he's like, "Oh sorry." and the teacher's like, "IF YOU REALLY WERE SORRY YOUNG MAN, YOU'D PICK UP HER BOOK AND PUT IT BACK WHERE IT WAS!" and I started laughing so hard!!!! So Nick puts it on my desk, and walks back to his desk....and the Teacher's like, "That's not where it was Mr. Nick." so Nick gets up and dramatically puts it on the floor where it was and...BOWED TO ME!!! LOL!!!!! I blushes so hard!!!
And in Mr.Smith's class he carried my books for me and was like, "Here you go my queen." I'M STILL BLUSHING!! What a gentleman! lol

Monday, January 28, 2008


Is it normal to feel confused, happy, and sad at the same time? Cause I do. Sometimes I just feel a certain way for no apparent reason lol. I'm not one to understand the whole way I feel a lot. Myself is a locked chest and I must find the key. The sort of poetic junk sort of thing lol. I can only guess why I feel this it the brownie I took from my brother's lunch? Or the sickness of love? Maybe it's that my cat has worms....ew! okay, you didn't need to know that!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Nick ^.^

Nick is a super awesome dude.....and everyyy girl likes i guess i should be happy he likes me....right? What if I refuse to show any emotion towards him because I'm too afraid I'll ruin me and Mackenzie's friendship....Ohhh I HATE DEEP QUESTIONS! I get all....tight and uneasy inside! A friend or a guy....a friend or a guy....I choose....FRIEND! But what if....
No! No turning back Sabrina! Think of all the memories! Your friend has always been by your side, through thick and thin!
Don't get all, "but...what if.." on me girl! Stay strong!!!!
AAARRRGGGG! This is sooo....emotional! E-M-O-T-I-O-N-A-L! I hate 7th grade! I hate Nick!, I love Nick.....but not in THAT way.....or do I?
No you do NOT! Snap out of it girl! SNAP-OUT-OF-IT!
I can't! AAAAAAA!!! I can't stop thinking about him!
Well you will, and I'll make you. This is your FRIEND you're stacking!
Oh shut up will you?! You think this isn't hard for ME? CAUSE IT IS! Maybe I'll pretend nothings happening, I'm good at that! La la la la la la la la la la la la.....*thinks*Nick......NO! NOT NICK! LALALALALALALALLALA!
That'a girl!
Oh get out of my head!

Can't, I'm your conscience.
Well I'll make you! *bangs head* OUCH!
I hate you.
You think I LIKE being inside your head? Uh, nooo!
Shut up, shut up, shut up! Fine, you're right!!!!!
Pleasure doing business with you!
Go away.


I think I'm going to Hannah's house! yay!!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

A poem, for Hannah

The warm sun in our face Warming us to the core. The smell of the humidity in our lungs Our blond hair blowing in our eyes Our laughter rising Never stopping. Our flip flops lined up side by side Our pink bathing suits matching.

The leaves falling around us The wind whipping at our face. The weak warmth of the sun peeking out from behind a cloud Our walking in sync As we wander down the lanes And our eyes sparkle with life Imagining what adventure will be in store

The snow falling around us The cold, harsh snow nipping at our face. Snow lands delicately on your noses and eyelashes We prance, we rejoice, the silent white world Brought to life with our chorus of giggles
The birth of the new sun greets us The feeling of fresh grass in our toes. A new green world has arisen From the frozen grounds We pick the flowers, stringing them into long necklaces As we frolic in this new world The blue sky above us, The green land below us The friendship among us.

Post about Hannah!!!

Hannah is the most awesome bff in the world. Not only is she kind and understanding, but ALWAYS good 4 a laugh! I love to laugh!!!!!! Lynsey is well.....she's more the annoying sister you can't shake off kinda friend...lovely ain't it? lol! But really....I've never trusted someone so deeply....If she stopped liking to hang out with life would be in free fall because she's my gravity holding me down, and my world would be black and white, because she's my color, painting in my days with shades of friendship and affection. This is to you Hannah, YOU ROCK!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I'm sooo sick today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a runny nose and a sore throat! ='{ I wanted to go to Hannah's house today!!!!!!!!!!!!! =( Dang....Well, it's more important I feel better. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow!! I hope...I'm so bummed! I was looking forward to seeing her!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Can there be hate at first sight?

I know all about "Love at first sight", but is there "Hate at first sight"??? There HAS to be cause I hate this new kid, and he arrived yesterday! He's got like sandy blond hair with glasses and the deepest-set blue eyes! You probably all are thinking, "OOOOOhhhhh, dreamy!" BUT-I-CAN'T-STAND-HIM! Something about him....just makes me want to grab that adorable little face and punch it!!!! Lol! I sound like a monster now..... So, anyway, I try to be nice and say, "Hey Mike! What'd up brother?" and all...but I still have that urge.....heehee!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Animal Friends!!!!!

If my friends were animals and fruit...this is how I'd imagine them.

  • Hannah- Animal: Monkey! Fruit: Watermelon
  • Kelly- Animal: Swan! Fruit: Orange
  • Aubrey- Horse! Fruit: Kiwi
  • Jan- Panda! Fruit: Mango
  • Natasha- Puppy! Fruit: Banana
  • Emi- Dolphin! Fruit: Spiky Pear
  • Steph- Tiger! Fruit: Clementine
  • Kate- Koala! Fruit: Apple
  • Lindsey- Seal! Fruit: Blueberries
  • Aly- Cat! Fruit: Strawberry
  • Lexy- Angel Fish! Fruit: Cherry

Skating yall!

I'm soooooo psyched! I'm going skating with Hannah!!!!!!! Yes! I love the ice...It's like, a second home! *not really lol* but it's so much fun! At first I'm a little rusty, but I get better as I go on!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

My day

Just perfect. Lynsey has discovered BLOGSPOT.COM....meaning I had to watch Lynsey post on her blog for an hour! I just sat little hints about how nice a day it was, and too bad we were spending it on the computer...pretty soon she got so mad she pushed me outside and locked the door! It was 11 degrees out!!!! Her mom let me in 10 minutes later!!!!!!!!!!


I've have 3 sleepover in A ROW with Lynsey! I want to see Hannah more but noooo, Miss Snobby Lynsey Kins says I haveeee to! I say no, and she gets her mom to yell at me!!!! AAARRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

Friday, January 18, 2008


I'm going to the movies with Melody, River, Mackenzie, and Danella to see Juno. Basically it's about a girl who gets pregnant lol! IT'S SOOOOO AWESOME! But it's PG-13 so...ask ur mommy and daddy first! lol! I'M HYPERRRR!!!!!
Celisse punched River in the head in band by "accident" lol!!!! It was so funny even River fell on the floor laughing!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My cute little pixels amuse me lol


Secret Swap!!!

Me and Hannah, bffs since 3, are finally discovering the real sides of each other. It's so cool! lol! It's really nice to spill everything out of you.....not really though lol!


I love my blog

I love my blog! I love the world! I even love my stinky old math teacher who picks her nose!!!! LOL! I'M IN A BUBBLEY MOOD!

MY 100TH POST!!!!!!

I've been doing this blog for....I think 3 months..and...THIS IS MY 100TH POST!!! OH YEAH!!!!

I'm so happy and I'd like to thank all my readers for their ocmments and support! Okay, done now lol

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Return of the blogs!!!

I guess that Hannah Payson (I thought her name was Lexy last time....oh well) has restared her blog:

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hard Times

I'm always worried that my bff *Hannah* will not want me as a friend anymore. I know it's stupid, but I can't help but think about it! Here's a little poem:
Missing you deep inside A feeling so powerful, a feeling i can't hide I'm afraid I will hurt Afraid of getting deserted But if I hide myself forever What will i accomplish? What point will I have made? To hold my silence To bite my tongue To fight a emotional battle A war never won. You are my hero My solider My friend We will carry this flag of trust Until the end.
-Sacrifice by: Sabrina Mills

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I went shoe skidding down a hill, then i couldn't stop, hit a jump, went over the edge of a wall, and fell on rocks below!!!! Lol! I have a bloody elbow and knee!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Me and Hannah!

Me and Hannah are still bffs!!!!! Whoo!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I love my bff Hannah *not love, love but u know what i mean*

But sometimes I feel like she'll never except me unless I'm EXACTLY THE SAME as I was when I was 5... Sorry to inform you Hannah but I'm a little glad I'm changing a little...if that's not Horrible for me to say! I like hanging out with guys! Don't think I'm so bad... ='{

And I don't like like guys, but they're my homies. I love um! They look out for me. But Hannah will ALWAYS be my special little retard. =)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A cup of tea miss Kelly?


Monday, January 7, 2008


Emi, I don't know you, so stop harassing me. I'm sick of it and I'm very glad my friends stood up for me. I'm sick of having bad stuff you wrote on my blog. STOP. RIGHT. NOW! Thank you to everyone who's helped get Emi's head out of the clouds and come to realize that she can't just Say what she wants.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Let's talk

Emi, if you're reading this, you are permanently banned from my site. I have reported you for verbal abuse. I saw what you wrote in your cbox and it's totally uncalled for, AND untrue. If you comment or post in my cbox, I will report you again.


Emi copied Jan and Aubrey because she used

Then, she swears in my chat and I don't know how to get it off....

I think she's being mean, and all I asked her to do was to use a different site!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

No offence to anyone. I hate fighting

I don't want to sound mean, but Aubrey has had a history (also the preteenz) to be kinda...unkind at times, and I'm hoping the doesn't turn into a war zone. Yes, I added it to my fav websites, but if they fight....then I don't really want it on there. Good Luck Jan and Aubrey!