I slept over at Lynsey's house today, and we had to shovel 7inches of snow from her 45oft long driveway, just to go downtown to see Erin, Lynsey's secret *shudders* love...ew! So we got there and me and Erin were talking and goofing and then...he hit me with a snowball! So I hit him with one, he hit back, and so on until it was a 2 person war! Lynsey was so...*shudder* jealous! After aa while... Erin pushes he into a snow pile...and I run after him trying to give him a white wash when..BANG! I fall down! He laughed so hard and he gave HIMSELF a white wash because he fell over! And wanna know a scary fact? He's the one who asked me to dance 10 times to slowdance with him! Ew!
After me and Lynsey got back, Erin called and told Lynsey he...was flirting with me and liked me! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!
Why must I be so pretty? JOKE! LOL.

Monday, December 31, 2007
Snowball fight
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I'm torn between Nick liking my more than a friend. I'm afraid that he'll change when I tell him I don't, Like Like him...I want him to be MY Nick! All mine! Gr! lol, but really, I'm too young to go out with anyone! I'M SO TORN!!!!!
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:48 PM 3 comments
Nick was at his locked last week, and I was picking up my books from the floor...and Nick put the locker door RIGHT OVER MY HEAD!!! And I jerked up fast and hit my head so hard! I spun around and glared at him and he was trying not to laugh! I said, "What was that for you big fat jerk! I just gave you candy canes! Gr!" And hit him *not hard, but playfully* in the arm just when Mrs.MicKonlton came out of her room and say me "bullying HIM" He was the who was the bully! And she's like," Sabrina, I'm very ashamed of you!" in front of crowded hallway....I blushed so bad and everyone laughed! When I was outside of school, I kicked Nick in the shins and he was still laughing about the hall thing! He thinks he's so funny...Gr! LOL. He's such a twerp!
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Well, 2008
What will 2008 bring....hmm. Hopefully and A+ in math class to replace my C+. My math teacher is like this, "If you multiply the denominator by 60 and then find the common integer of the percentage of problem B, you can solve the BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!" And all us students are like, "*blink blink*" and that's when Nick does something really funny that only I can see *we sit next to each other* and I start laughing so hard and my math teacher gets all mad and says, "Sabrina, stop intruding the class!" which means, "Shuddup I hate you!"
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:26 PM 1 comments
By now
By now, you've read my other post and are probably thinking, "WHAAA??? Huh? That makes no sense!" and no it doesn't. Heehhee! And I know it was pointless! But I'm bored so bare with me!
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:24 PM 0 comments
The story of the friends.
A long time ago there were three friends named Destiny, Hilary, and Krista. They did everything together! One day, while they were in 7th grade they decided to prank call the Principal, which they will soon find out, was a big mistake! The Friends went to the movies that Friday and just before the movie started, and wiped out Hilary's cell and called the principals number. Mrs.Nickels answered, "Hello?" and then...*SLAM* They hung up laughing maniacally.
That Monday the friends were walking down the hall when Mrs.Nickel's voice came onto the intercom.
"Krista, Hilary, and Destiny come to the office." By then, the girls had forgotten all about the little prank call incident. When they walked into the office, they were greeted by their parent's angry faces. Suddenly, they remember! "Aw shoot," They thought, "How did she know it was US?"
The principal must have known what they were thinking for she explained coolly, "I have every student's cell phone number remember? My Secretary has them listed for emergency reasons. Now, how should I punish you? Suspension? Detention? Or better yet, OFFICE detention?"
"W..we didn't think you'd care so much about a stupid prank call!" Hilary stammered, Destiny and Krista nodded vigorously.
The principal replied curtly, "Well I do cause I'm too old be nice! Hehhee!!!!!" And flew away through an open window.
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Little IM buddy
It's kinda funny. Me and Kelly are IM buddies (def: we talk a lot on IM with eachother) and all we ever relly say is: lol. Heeheee. It's like this:
Kelly: Hey!
Me: Hi!
Kelly: LOL
Kelly: What's up?
Me: Nothin much
Kelly: LOL
Posted by Drama Girl at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Aubrey's way.
Fellow readers, you should check out Aubrey's blog! It's really cool. I just went there and it's fun.
Posted by Drama Girl at 8:44 AM 1 comments
Finally, I hear that Aubrey and Preteenz have called a truce. You know, just forgive and forget. I think it's great! AWESOME! Okay, end of post now.
Posted by Drama Girl at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Happy New Year...and all the homework that goes with it! ARRGGG
Ello fellow readers! Just wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year! Whoo! The only bad part about the New Year is the HOMEWORK! Teachers pile it on because they want to get in as many grades as possible before quarter 2!!!! ARG!!!! Woogabooga!!!! GRR!!!
Posted by Drama Girl at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Should I delete it????
Should I delete "Sabrina's help?" you tell me! =[)
Posted by Drama Girl at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
A friend.
Someone you know
Someone who's there
Who comforts you
When your alone
When they lie, your world drifts apart
You feel untrusted, unwanted, invalid
Like you were living off the lies that fell out of their mouth
You feel used.
They have a special place in your heart
They're the world to you
They are the people you share memories with
They help you get out of the bad times
They are the good times.
The plague that poisons a friendship
Encasing it in the thick, black, Vail of deceiving
Weighing everyone down
"poison in a friendship"
By: Sabrina
All rights reserved
Posted by Drama Girl at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Poems just for fun
Who is the fairest of them all?
It is not the cruel and beautiful queen, who sits upon her throne
For she has a heart of ice, black as sea's depths below
Who is the fairest of them all?
It is not the vain woman who stares into the mirror
For she has a heart of stone, a heart for loving no others, only her reflection
Who is the fairest of them all?
It is the girl who loves others more than herself
The girl who listens and cares
The girl who has a heart of gold, a heart for sharing, a heart for melting away the cold.
The fairest is the girl who, when given more, asks for less.
Posted by Drama Girl at 10:46 AM 2 comments
Got questions?
Posted by Drama Girl at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Holding on
Hold my hand
Don't let it fall
Wipe away my tears
Don't let them fall
Help me when I am weak
Don't leave me behind
By: Sabrina
Posted by Drama Girl at 11:22 AM 4 comments
Watching the raindrops fall.
With the speckeled reflection on our wall,
*Drop* *Drip* *Drop*
Watching the leaves fall.
The high sheirk of a raven's call,
*Fall* *Fell* *Fall*
Watching the snowflakes fall.
I wrap up tight in a woolen shawl,
*Float* *Fly* *Float*
"Season's sounds"
By: Sabrina
Posted by Drama Girl at 11:17 AM 0 comments
My poem
Thank you from not caring
Thank you for not understanding.
Thank you for being unfeeling, unbelieving, unforgiving
Thank you for not trying
Thank you for not lying
Thank you for being unloving, unhelpful, uninterested
If you cared
If you tried
If you forgave
If you cried,
I would have never understood
I would have never listened
I would have never lied.
Thank you for being undeceiving.
Because with the harsh realities of life
Your bitter truth gave my world a new light.
"Thank you"
By: Sabrina
Posted by Drama Girl at 11:07 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I got everything I wanted and more! This is some of what I got:
- Sand colored classic uggs
- Black video iPod (engraved with my name)
- two $15 itune cards
- $40
- cherry earrings
- A whole ton of fun stuff in my stocking
- Heat storing blanket
Posted by Drama Girl at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
I'm so bored, i'll be weird!!!!! WHOO!

Posted by Drama Girl at 10:12 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 23, 2007
2 days till Christmas
- Uggs
- Video ipod
- AE, A&F, and Aeropostal gift cards
- itune gift cards
Posted by Drama Girl at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Hello. I am the pig
of knowledge.
I know that you are reading this.
That's right!
You can't serve a talking pig for dinner cannnnnnn youuuuuuuu!!!
Posted by Drama Girl at 7:36 PM 4 comments
Ello! I'm coocoo yum yum princess! I'm hyperrrrrrdddd!!
HEHEHEHEHEHEH....help me, I can't stop laughing!!! HEHEHEHEHHEHE!
Posted by Drama Girl at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Babes in toy land!!!!!
Me and Chelsea went to babes in toyland (a play) because Macy and Nikie (her two friends) were in it! Boy was it funny! (Not that ti was supposed to be..) The lead couldn't sing at all!!!!!! MWAHAAHHAHAAHAH!!!!
Posted by Drama Girl at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
My story

Posted by Drama Girl at 3:38 PM 0 comments
Posted by Drama Girl at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Labels: s
Friday, December 7, 2007
It's not that easy people
Posted by Drama Girl at 12:27 PM 5 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Posted by Drama Girl at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
What hasn't been said?
Diary2girls has a person which I will not mention that's been in a fight with our blogs. Frankly, I think it's HER fault, but there are as many sides to a story as there are people.
I don't think it's worth fighting over cause that's what people always want.
Posted by Drama Girl at 11:57 AM 4 comments
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Me and Chelsea went to the nutcracker play on Friday and it was awesome!!! We laugh so hard at this little girl in this wig that was curly and had a curl sticking straight up in the play.....and everyone stared at us....lol
This little girl is just plain FREAKY
Posted by Drama Girl at 7:29 AM 4 comments
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Retards in the city
I was walking down the street with Chelsea and...there...in the road....staring at us...was....a retard~!!!!!!! He has BIG thick glasses and...he was SCARY!!! I grabbed Chelsea's arm and ran all the way home cause I thought He'd kidnap us!!
Posted by Drama Girl at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Posted by Drama Girl at 12:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I got home from school today and...there was a box on my doorstep. I remembered my mom saying something about "when ever there's a package, open it!" and so I opened it. And there in the box was another box................the box...has the name.......ugg written on the side...and a note on top that said "purchase: uggs boots, classic. Cost: $120. Color: sand. MOM GOT EVERYTHING RIGHT!!!!!! But now...I know one of my presents...oops. I'll pretend to be surprised. YAY!!!!!!!!
Posted by Drama Girl at 12:29 PM 1 comments