Photobucket and Welcome to my blog. I'm just someone...that's no yeah...Haha...Whoo hoo....

PhotobucketThis blog is kewl...IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU'RE MEAN! lol!


Friday, November 30, 2007

Retards in the city

I was walking down the street with Chelsea the road....staring at us...was....a retard~!!!!!!! He has BIG thick glasses and...he was SCARY!!! I grabbed Chelsea's arm and ran all the way home cause I thought He'd kidnap us!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Today Nick was teasing me and calling me Miss Pimple face and was staring at me, so I said "Stop staring at me, I know I'm THAT awesome!" and hit him playfully with my laptop accident it hit him...uh...."wee wee"!!!!! I was sooo embarrassed!!!! But he just smiled evilly and hit me with HIS laptop case!!! He's a good friend lol

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ugg madness



I got home from school today and...there was a box on my doorstep. I remembered my mom saying something about "when ever there's a package, open it!" and so I opened it. And there in the box was another box................the box...has the name.......ugg written on the side...and a note on top that said "purchase: uggs boots, classic. Cost: $120. Color: sand. MOM GOT EVERYTHING RIGHT!!!!!! But now...I know one of my presents...oops. I'll pretend to be surprised. YAY!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007


LOL, hey Chelsea, how do you like you're meez? Looks like you've gotta go REALLY bad! LOL!

My beautiful uggs!

I'm getting uggs for Christmas!!!! O...M..GGGGG!! Yay!!! These are my little guys!

AIM problems!

Last night I was on AIM for 2 hours!!!!! First, Chelsea was on and I wanted to talk to her because, you know, she'd been sick. Then...*dun dun dunnnnnn* Lynsey logged on!!!!!!! I'd been wanting to talk to Lynsey on AIM for a long time, becuase she's never on. Lynsey's mom and Chelsea's mom got in a fight 2 years ago, and they've never seen eachother since. So then, out of the blue, Lynsey starts damanding that I give her Chelsea's AIM name!!!!!! I'll show you what it was like.

Sabrina_Mills: Hey, hey, hey!
Guatar-Angel: Hey Sabrina! Whad up?
Sabrina_Mills: Nothin much. How about you?
Guatar-Angel: Stuff. Can I have Chelsea's IM name?
Sabrina_Mills: Uh...I'll ask her...
Guatar-Angel: PLZZZZZZ!!!! I haven't seen her in, like, a year!
Sabrina_Mills: Two to be exact.
Guatar-Angel: Sabrina?
Guatar-Angel: Shut up. Now tell me her screen name!!!
Guatar-Angel:...come ON!
Sabrina_Mills: Geez Lynsey, chill.
Sabrina_Mills: Okay, she said no, because her mom doesn't want her go give it to u.
Guatar-Angel: Omg, don't u ever just shut up? Tell me now!!!!!!

This goes on for a while....

Sunday, November 25, 2007

BFFs in trouble

I've been calling,IMing, and emailing Chelsea for SO long! I'm tired of the "I'm healing" stuffs and I bet Chelsea is too, so I'm going to start hanging with Lynsey some more...I GUESS I haven't been nice to her...but SHE hasn't been either!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Poor little kitty

So sad.


What's more boring than seeing a movie with Lynsey, and laughing at all the "un"funny parts and being stared at by LYNSEY and everyone else???? Nothing...

Usually, I got with Chelsea and we giggle together and all the other people stare at us and that makes us laugh more and more and all the uglyoldpeople get mad....FUN!!!!!

Sad little doggy

I'm all aloneeeeee, there's no one hereeeeeee besideeeeeee meeee!!! My troubles have all goneeee there's no one to....*something* in meeeee....

BUT YOU GOTTA HAVE FRIENDSSSSS!!!! That arn't healing....but they're boringggggggggg!!! OOgy! FGO;IJHGFIYAAGKGFDLKDLDLDL WINGAAAAAAA!

Chelsea, oh chelsea

Chelsea!!! I'm going to dieeee!!! I can't stand being "normal"!!!! I need FUNNYNESS!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Poor little me

Chelsea is still "sick". I put in the " "s because she's not sick, but "healing". Sometimes I think she always thinks about the worst things and it makes her FEEL worse, but who knows! She DID throwup so I guess she might still feel....oogy.

Here's a picture of how I feel just to make you feel guilty! Bwhahaha!

Friday, November 23, 2007


My sister's a big retard

My mom's a British fatso

My dad's a cowboy

And I'M just fat and ugly!!!!!!!

Funny little popet pix

"Hey everyone! I'm Chelsea!!!!"

"Numa numa numa...."

"Hee hee...mommy....HELP ME!!!! MR.TICKELS IS EATING MY FACE!!!!!"

2nd Thanksgiving

Good fruit, good meat, good god, let's eat! (and blow up like a balloon and be fat and die)

My first Thanksgiving was great! I was up all night with a stumach ache after though...

And my 2nd Thanksgiving was today! (Friday!) If anyone ever mentions cool whip and chocolate cream pie ever again, I'm going to puke on them!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Really weird pix

"Uh oh...This isn't good...."

Kung fu Hammy

"*giggle* hey Hannahhhh!!! Look behind you!"


Today in school we went on the same field trip we go on every stinkin' year! To a boring museums!!!!!!!! Gr!

Monday, November 19, 2007

French fries!!!!


Today I went to the docters to get my something shot. I stopped at Mcdonald's and got a $1 milkshake (chocolate!!!!) and $1 fries...IT WAS SOOOO GOOD!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Chelsea is obsessed with smells. If something doesn't smell good...she knows.

chelsea: What's that smeellll!!!


today my mom asked me to clean my I blasted the radio really loud. Exxcelenttttt!


The history of me and Chelsea.

Me and Chelsea. Just before I kick the bike out of her hands. I was a mean child lol


I'm REALLY excited for Thanksgiving! I LOVE food! And I'm SO slim that it doesn't matter how much I eat of it! Teehee! Load on the pie aand stuffing!

Ugly old british people

There were these British old people walking down the street when me and Lynsey were going downtown, and we were like wearing sweat shirts and jeans, and they were like wearing all this fancy smacy stuff! I thought I heard them say stuff like "Oh my good gracious! Look at those little sloppy ragamuffins! It's so ghastly!" What posh little....uglyoldpeople!!!!

Go me!

My drama team did our play for the last's kinda sad but it feels good not to have to go to practice anymore. I was like, the only one who's never messed up a line in a play...go me! lol. I'm sure there's PLENTY of time for that though...*gulp*


I was SO evil....I dropped a chip on the floor and Lynsey asked for a chip (not knowing I'd dropped one) and I gave her the one that fell *teehee* and...SHE ATE IT!!!! It had a cat hair on it I think....oh well...*heehee*

The *shiver* sleepover...

I HAD to sleepover with Lynsey because she begged my mom to and I didn't want to say "Well, no I don't want you to sleepover cause you scary!" so....I HAD to say yes! GRR!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Best friends

some girls that looks a little like me and Chelsea. Only we're younger lol

My funny mood

" how dare you call me miss fuzzy!!! I will bite youuuuu!!!! I have rabies.

Bye! I'm going to Lynsey's now!

over the highway and through the hobo's under the bridge, to Lynsey's house we go! I hope I don't make Lynsey mad cause this is what she looks like when she's gunna punch you...HARD.


Lynsey is so weird.....she's talking to me about nothing.....she's a uglylittlegirl!!! She's blabbing blah blah blah.....I wish I could tell her to shudddddup!!!! lol!

Funky Granny

My granny rocks!!!!!!! She's totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's not like most old people who smell funny! She's cool and awesome!!!!!!

Stupid brother

Man, sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, they're so annoying!!!!! Like my idiotic brother. His name is Johnny. Johnny is tall and 14 years old, and I HATE him!!!! He's all up in my face and he sucks so MUCH!

(stupid Johnny! HAHA!!!)

Lots to do

Chelsea's sick today. Wah. She's puking her little guts out! My stepdad says she doesn't want to talk tome at all. I wonder what I did? So today, I'm playing with Lynsey. Wah! We're walking downtown so I'm wearing my NEW American Eagle sweatshirt!!!! Woohoo!!! *does a funky granny dance*

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nick *giggle*

Nick is ALWAYS sooooo funny!!!! OMG!!!!
(these pix make me think of him!!!!)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Nick today was soooo funny!!!!! Our teacher was talking about how people remember jingles on TV like the "meow mix" song, and all the guy were like "Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow. meow meow!" and Nick said: Meow mix,meow mix please deli- ver. (he say everyone staring at him) And the whole class burst out laughing!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Sometimes,Lynsey talks WAY too much!!!!! She called me and she was talking about nothing for-ever!!!! ARRG! Like today, she called me at 10:30 A.M JUST to talk about her new e-mail account on her school laptop!!!!! B-O-R-E-I-N-G!